Friday 22 January 2010

dream a dream ~~

post in advance while i still remember. and i'm gonna post this in bahasa indonesia. sorry my fellow english-spoken-fellas :))
but still i'm going to write some in english, since i can't write or speak indonesia properly X))

today as usual, i'm just staying at home. waiting for miracle happens. which didn't come til 5 pm. just when i decided to burn some calories, my father came and asked me if i want to company him. for a while i thought "zzz, please, not now" instead i'm saying "okay, let's go".
and we're talking about my dreams.

what is dream anyway?

according to
dreams are a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. the content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. the scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology.
so .. based on my father's questions about "what are you gonna do in the next 5 years?" (which i'll be 25 years old), here is the dreams i had since i was freshmen in high school.

 dream #1
at this time, i still thinking if i'm going to social studies (penjurusan ips) cause i wanted to be a psychologist. getting into ui (universitas indonesia) majoring in clinical psychology. then have a job in mental hospital or somewhere related to medical thingy. eventually getting married with present boyfriend (at this time, i still believe in love)
dream #2
i'm going to vancouver, canada, getting into university of british columbia (ubc) or simon fraser university (sfu). but first, i'm getting into langara college or columbia college (a community college in canada) where they have a "2+2 program". what kind of major i'm gonna take? either psychology or international business. next move: marry and have my happily ever after.


my home teacher put my name in science program (yah intinya gue masuk ipa krn paksaan wali kelas gue gitu deh. alasannya sih: nilai kamu bagus di ipa dan ips, tp masa depan kamu akan lebih cemerlang di ipa. jd saya masukin kamu di ipa *evil grin*). so all those dreams i had back in tenth grade has to be changed! so ...

dream #3
being a medical doctor! a surgeon or an anesthesiologist. thanks to mr.adi (or "mabro", from mario bross cause he looks like mario bross xb) i wanted to become a doctor. specially with my mom was a doctor ("was" because she isn't a doctor anymore).
getting into ui (universitas indonesia) -definitely- and study harder than ever (which i lied, cause i barely study while i was in high school). this dreams continued 'til senior year ...

dream #4
getting into faculty of medicine universitas indonesia was the goal of my life. second attempt: monash university (medical school). but somewhere i knew this isn't gonna happen. so i had another dream which was: getting into international business or international relations program. see? i still wanted to become a business woman. but my parents more concerned about medical stuffs (which i was really concern of) so business and international relations were just dissapeared.
which university you'd like to get in for business and international relations? UBC!


reality bites and destiny couldn't be avoided. i have to admit if: I DIDN'T GET INTO MEDICAL, BUSINESS, and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. so i have to think something about my future, right? (tp kalo dipikir2, gue milih kedokteran krn terpaksa aja. tanggung uda masuk ipa jd pilih ipa aja biar ga rugi uda belajar fisika-kimia yg malesnya sumpah bikin gue stress)

well at first, i was thinking about my undergraduate degree. i don't care anymore about my life and the title i'm gonna have in the future. "que sera, sera" .. i got into biotechnology. well the title i'll get is: sarjana sains (not bachelor of biotechnology / bachelor of science. indonesia really lame on this kind of sh*t).
then i'm gonna make up this fault by taking master of business administration for my master's degree. (biomedical totally for fun, it's at the bottom of my list! seriously)

so .. the answer for my father's question: i'm gonna do my master degree which is business administration, overseas, for the next five years.

conclusion for my dreams:
a clinical psychologist

business woman or international trade and commerce
 (international business)

a medical doctor (surgeon or anathetist)
 instead i'm doing:

let's hope for the best .. (syuu~~)