Friday 30 October 2009

poligami oh perarakan..

gilaak! gue tadi nonton insert investigasi dulu before i went back to home dan mendapatkan berita bahwa teh nini, istri pertama aa gym, menggugat cerai! sebenarnya sih yg bikin heboh bukan digugat cerainya tp lebih ke nasib teh nini yg dipoligami sm suaminya. kalo gue jd teh nini, gue jg bakal minta cerai, malah sblm suami gue berpoligami ria uda gue ceraiin duluan hahaha. tp seriusan deh, cewe mana sih yg mau dipoligamiin? gue aja yg masih muda ga mau punya pacar yg dibagi sm cewe lain, apalagi membagi suami?! itu sih enak di cowonya.. teh nini, i'm on your side! ceraikan suamimu! stand up for no poligami act! hahaha..

terus terus td gue ikut perarakan patung bunda maria di kampus. yup, seorang anastasia yg malas berdoa ini ikut devosi dan rosario hidup (knp namanya harus rosario hidup?). mungkin krn gue sadar kalo gue uda banyak dosa jd tujuan utama ke kampus hanya untuk ikut perarakan patung bunda maria.
perarakannya sendiri agak mengundang perhatian mahasiswa. patung bunda maria digotong keliling kampus. start point di plaza hall y oleh pasukan biotech dan hukum, berlanjut ke hall c menjemput pasukan teknik dan psikologi, lanjut lagi ke hall g menjemput pasukan kedokteran dan fkip (harusnya ke pluit kalo mau bener-bener jemput anak kedokteran haha) trs ke hall b ngambil pasukan ekonomi dan ilmu administrasi (ekonomi yg jumlah mahasiswanya paling banyak tp pengikutnya paling sedikit hahhaa) akhirnya selesai di gua maria. selama perarakan ini kita doa rosario! hebat kan gue, siang bolong jam 11 dgn keadaan matahari menyengat menggunakan jaket fakultas yg berwarna biru tukang parkir (lebay lagi), gue berdoa rosario atas inisiatif diri gue sendiri. plok plok plok! di gua maria yg supposed to be adem, diadakan misa dan devosi terhadap bunda maria. yauda acarany selesai kembali ke aktivitas kuliah sedia kala. tapi oh tapi, ga enak juga jd tontonan masyarakat atma. mungkin dipikir "gilaa ini anak-anak kerajinan yg tergila-gila dgn bunda maria...ckckck" dan pada saat itu gue mulai berjanji ke diri gue sendiri kalo gue ga mau jadi terkenal krn jujur, ga enak bgt jd tontonan gt hahaha.

cancerian in love

sebelumnya tak ada yang mampu mengajakku untuk bertahan di kala sedih
sebelumnya ku ikat hatiku hanya untuk aku seorang
sekarang kau disini, hilang rasanya semua bimbang, tangis, kesepian

kau buat aku bertanya
kau buat aku mencari tentang rasa ini aku tak mengerti
akankah sama jadinya bila bukan kamu?
lalu senyummu menyadarkanku
kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku

sebelumnya tak mudah bagiku tertawa sendiri di kehidupan yang kelam ini
sebelumnya rasanya tak perlu membagi kisahku, tak ada yang mengerti
sekarang kau disini, hilang rasanya semua bimbang, tangis, kesepian

kau buat aku bertanya
kau buat aku mencari tentang rasa ini aku tak mengerti
akankah sama jadinya bila bukan kamu?
lalu senyummu menyadarkanku
kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku

bila suatu saat kau harus pergi, jangan paksa aku tuk cari yang lebih baik
karena senyummu menyadarkanku, kaulah cinta pertama dan terakhirku

yes, i -guess- am in love. mungkin itu adalah satu kalimat yg sedang menggambarkan perasaan gue akhir-akhir ini. kalo di post sebelumnya gue menyinggung mister rebel but sweet sebagai sesosok yg jauh dari gue, just a fling dan ga berminat untuk dijadikan sebagai pacar, for now i guess am in love with him. what is love? jujur hingga saat ini gue masih ga tau apa arti cinta yg sesungguhnya. dari semua cowo yg pernah menjabat status pacar gue, bs dibilang baru satu yg gue kasih statement "i love you" dan itu benar-benar dari lubuk hati gue krn terbukti hingga sekarang gue masih sayang sama dia meskipun bukan sebagai pacar tapi lbh sebagai sodara. mungkin buat sebagian orang "i love you" merupakan suatu hal yg wajar untuk diberikan terus-terusan tiap harinya, to their girlfriend or boyfriend, tapi apakah semua orang memiliki pandangan yg sama? jujur, gue bukanlah seseorang yg senang mengumbar kata love. sebelum gue yakin orang ini bener2 sayang dan tulus, the L word won't come out from my mouth. mungkin kesannya gue dingin bgt sama pacar sendiri aja ga pernah bilang i love you, tapi apakah kata love itu harus gue ucapkan ke setiap pacar gue? i won't lie either to him or myself. kalo gue emg ga cinta sama dia, ga bakal gue bilang cinta ke dia. mungkin sayang, tp bukan cinta. i'm not that kind of person who gets falling in love easily. gue sayang sm mantan-mantan gue, tp apakah gue cinta? belom tentu.

menurut gue, 
1. suka adalah rasa yg paling dangkal dari semua tingkatan. gue suka A, gue suka B tp cuma hari itu aja dan mungkin krn gue seneng liatnya aja. one step higher than suka adalah sayang. 
2. sayang tuh rasanya uda mulai peduli dgn keadaannya dan gue mulai menaruh hati istilahnya. bahkan kalo gue uda sayang sm seseorang, gue rela berkorban demi dia. misalkan nih gue ga terlalu demen makan di warung kaki lima tp orang yg gue sayang seneng bgt dan kepengen bgt makan disitu. berkorbanlah gue makan di warung kaki lima meskipun harus menahan rasa ga suka gue, asalkan yg gue sayang tuh seneng.
3. this is the highest position of all, cinta. satu kata yg cuma gue umbarkan ke piaraan gue (even my parents don't get this word haha). bagi gue, cinta itu sudah pasti sayang tp sayang belom tentu cinta. perasaan paling tulus. gue rela melakukan apa saja asalkan gue bisa liat orang yg gue cintai tuh seneng terus. kalo dia sedih, gue rela dengerin keluh-kesahnya dan bener-bener berusaha bikin dia seneng lg. mungkin harusnya lebih keren lg cara gue describing word of love, tp kalo gue ditanya knp gue bisa cinta sm dia? jawabannya uda pasti bukan abcde tp i don't know, all i know is i love him. (duileeeeh bahasa gue nista nian hahaha).

nah buat mister rebel but sweet, i guess i am in love with you. not for who are you, but for who you are. knp bisa gini? gue sendiri jg ga tau. you are, definitely, the first guy yg totally rebel and kinda jerk (sorry hehe) yg gue sayang. aih aih aih habis ini gue wajib tobat beneran... makin gila deh gue lama-lama..

mau nonton gosip aja, biar pikiran ga dipenuhin sama lo lg hahahahahahaha...

Wednesday 28 October 2009

a story..

eh eh gue punya cerita bagus loh, yg gue copas dr junior gue lagi (thx fiona). gue heran deh ini anak kok bisa nemu banyak cerita bagus ya? ngapain aja coba mereka kerjaannya? hahaha

here comes the story:
10th grade
as i sat there in english class, i stared at the girl next to me. she was my so called "best friend". i stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. but she didn't notice me like that, and i knew it. after class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. she said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. i wanted to tell her, i want her to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love her but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why.

11th grade:
the phone rang. on the other end, it was her. she was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. she asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so i did. as i sat next to her on the sofa, i stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine.after two hours, one drew barrymore movie and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. she looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. i want to tell her, i want her to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love her but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why.

senior year
the day before prom she walked to my locker. "my date is sick" she said; "he's not going to go well", i didn't have a date, and in 7th grade we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". so we did. prom night, after everything was over, i was standing at her front door step. i stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. i want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and i know it. then she said "i had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. i want to tell her, i want her to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love her but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why.

graduation day
a day passed, then a week, then a month. before i could blink, it was graduation day. i watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. i wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and i knew it. before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as i hugged her. then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. i want to tell her, i want her to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love her but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why.

a few years later
now i sit in the pews of the church. that girl is getting married now. i watched her say "i do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. i wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and i knew it. but before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". she said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. i want to tell her, i want her to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love her but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why.

years passed, i looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". at the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. this is what it read: i stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and i know it. i want to tell him, i want him to know that i don't want to be just friends, i love him but i'm just too shy, and i don't know why. i wish he would tell me he loved me! 'i wish i did too..' i thought to myself, and i cried.


nilai yg dapat kita ambil dari cerita diatas? if you really in love, go and tell the person you loved if you love him/her. tapi apa yg akan gue lakukan? bukan bilang "hey! gue suka sama lo loh." tp gue janji gue akan lebih peka biar dia ga usa ribet lg hehe. gila aja kalo gue bilang itu beneran, yg ada dia kabur dan mikir gue uda gila hahaha..


so i got this from my junior, fiona cp, when i opened her blog. iseng-iseng berhadiah flu haha.

bold what you have, italized what you want

1. a cell phone
2. a hair straightener
3. your own computer
4. your own car
5. chanel / dior / gucci sunglasses
6. a designer purse
7. a boyfriend / girlfriend
8. a curling iron
9. every fall out boy cd
10. something from american eagle
11. something from hot topic
12. something from hollister
13. something from abercrombie
14. a pet
15. some type of trophy / award
16. full / queen-size bed
17. king-size bed
18. an iPod
19. something from a professional team
20. ever had more than $100 at a time
21. monster, full throttle, amp, red bull, etc. in your fridge
22. something green day
23. xanga
24. myspace
25. makeup
26. a desk in your room
27. a hill in your backyard
28. DDR
29. a pair of skis
30. an alarm clock
31. a pair of ice skates
32. rollerblades
33. a treadmill
34. your own phone line
35. AIM
36. Yahoo!
37. MSN
38. ICQ
39. AOL
40. perfume / cologne
41. bath lotion
42. necklaces and bracelets
43. a journal / diary
44. yogurt and peaches in your fridge
45. x's in your screen name
46. a birthday in september
47. a famous relative
48. a relative in different state
49. a disowned relative
50. a relative that lives in florida
51. your own bathroom
52. your own band
53. any rock band shirts
54. a guitar
55. a hammock
56. a basketball hoop
57. a soccer net
58. a bike
59. an electric scooter
60. a minivan
61. a.v.c andrews book
62. a friend that does drugs / alcohol /  smokes
63. a locker at school
64. a baby
65. sparkly blue nail polish
66. a "vote for pedro" shirt
67. the movie "40 year old virgin"
68. a promise ring
69. a pool table
70. a swimming pool / hot tub
71. trampoline
72. livejournal
73. flip flops
74. steve madden shoes
75. the sims 2
76. a ping pong table
77. an air hockey table
78. a basement
79. converse
80. construction paper
81. markers, crayons, etc.
82. coloring books
83. a nice singing voice
84. gamecube
85. xbox
86. playstation
87. ps 2
88. psp
89. some type of disease
90. rose red movie
91. vcr / dvd player
92. a mom or dad
93. an older brother
94. an older sister
95. a younger brother
96. a younger sister
97. a sled
98. a lake / pond / river / ocean near your house
99. friends who like you

sick ?!

wih uda lama aja ya gue ga ngepost. sorry banget, i'm sick lately dan tiap kali mau ngepost gue bingung apa yang mau diceritain karena terlalu banyak yg mau diceritain hehe.. yah sebenarnya sih inti ceritanya adalah gue sakit. sakit apa gue ga tau. awalnya suara serek-serek sexy tapi tiba-tiba suara kok makin ilang yah? mana gue harus sosialisasi ftb games, regis ulang pemain, technical meeting segala makin panik lah gue (maklum anak acara haha). yauda dengan segala suara yg tersisa kupaksakan untuk berbicara pdhl kalo gue smart enough i wouldn't dare to speak any words! jd intinya gue bego, extremely stupid. naaaaah bukan cm ga bisa ngomong tp lama-lama kok gue ga bisa tidur gara-gara batuk terus ya? menggigil terus pula padahal ac kamar gue uda 24C. nyerah beneran deh dan gue minta dianterin ke rumah sakit sm ortu. dokternya gila jg, katanya "oh ini sih cm radang aja, istirahat 3 hari jg sembuh". WHAT?! padahal hari ini gue harusnya LAB kidas dan besok ada KUIS LAB pula. sumpah deh panik beneran dan nyokap cm bilang "kalo lab nomer 1, kamu harusnya istirahat dulu biar minggu depan bs ikut drpd kamu besok paksain ikut yg ada minggu depan ga ikut semuanya kamu pilih yg mana?" yauda deh gue menyerah dan stay at home (aku kan pgn nya stay at kosan T.T)

oh oh gue jd inget hari senin kemarin gue ngobrol-ngobrol sama Chaidir (baca: kodir) dan yah kita saling cerita-cerita gitu. perlu diingat, kodir adalah mantannya sahabat gue yg gue percaya buat dengerin cerita-cerita gue even yg gue ga berani ceritain ke sahabat gue (sorry ngo). dia sendiri jg cerita-cerita tentang masalahnya and so did i. and we came into one conclusion: gue harus bisa lbh peka dalam menangkap sinyal-sinyal yg dikasih sama mister rebel but sweet dan dia harus bisa move on even though it hurts cause i never said it wil be easy (pakar dalam masalah diselingkuhin haha).

kayanya gue makin sakit krn gue sakit hati deh. sama siapa nas? sama siapa lagi, seluruh dunia jg tau kalo lagunya vierra yg perih lg soundtrack of my life for now. mau gue happy-happy tentang mister rebel but sweet itu tp tetep feeling cannot lie. geez, i'm still living in my past! okay moving forward mode: on. all messages have been deleted, all photos have been deleted, tickets of a place have been stayed in my drawer. guess i need my sister to burn it. iya iya jd ceritanya kemaren stlh technical meeting gue melihat satu kejadian yg sebenarnya gue uda tau lama dan sering terjadi lately. anehnya kalo cuma denger gue sih biasa aja tp begitu melihat dengan mata kepala gue sendiri, JENG JENG JENG JENG satu panah dan satu pisau nembus. bagus sih karena dulu berjuta-juta anak panah dan bermilyar-milyar pisau nembus skrg cm satu yg berhasil nembus. tapi tetep masih ada yg berhasil nembus. yauda sih akhirnya gue acting sok cool gt dan ngajak vanno buat balik bareng. untung uda ga ada anak2 ftb lg jadi ga heboh, pdhl cm balik bareng karena satu kosan harusnya ga seheboh itu kan? hahaha. trs trs di jalan waktu balik, gue vanno dan adhit ngobrolin satu hal yg mengikat kita menjadi satu yaitu: MOUSEHUNT! yoi..emg the best itu games! hahaha.

tapiii apakah ada yg sudah berhasil menebak who is my mister rebel but sweet? baru adhit sm vita nih yg tau (di ftb), semoga aja tetap mereka saja yg tau haha. itu mereka ngeh-nya jg krn mereka denger gue ngomong nama aslinya si mister rebel but sweet accidentally. wajar kan kalo mereka sadar? hahaha. cuma cuma gue kok merasa ada yg sedikit berbeda dr dia ya? yesterday gue kan emg kinda bad mood gt, yg ternyata krn sakit sialan ini, trs dia peduli gt. i was supposed to be happy kan? tp knp gue malah makin bete ya? hmm.. tuh kan mendadak kepikiran lg sama kata-katanya kodir "oh itu sih uda pasti suka sama lo sia, lo pancing-pancing dia aja".. pancing? emg ikan dipancing? hahaha.

if feeling doesn't exist in this world, life would be much easier. ato mungkin yg lebih tepatnya if love doesn't exist in my life and i don't have to feel love, living my life would be much much easier..

Wednesday 21 October 2009

poison approaching

idih sumpah gila gue jadi addicted gini sama yg namanya MOUSEHUNT. ga tau kenapa dari awal melihat anak-anak mainin ini, penasaranlah gue apalagi mereka pake bahasa aneh bin ajaib yg bikin gue jadi makin penasaran hahhaha. and there's a new progress. i made it to the APPRENTICE title! yaay! tapi hbs itu mousehunt-nya maintenance gara-gara ronza mau landed. do you know what ronza is? well, she's a traveler yg hobinya ngoleksi benda-benda antik yg dibutuhkan oleh para hunter (baca: gue) buat bikin trap yg gunanya untuk menjaring tikus-tikus aneh nan unik bin lucu. harganya gue pikir 30,000 gold ternyata setelah gue datengin 150,000 gold ke atas! lsg mati lemes tak berdaya aja waktu baca harganya.. obed, vento, kumohon belas kasihan anda sekalian untuk membagi gold-nya.. am desperately need it :'(

enough about mousehunt. let's talk about today's activities. krn gue sedang mengidap penyakit musiman yaitu sore throat, yg kalo dikebanyakan org masi dianggap cemen, buat gue itu ga cemen! panik cuy sabtu bsk gue ada little gig, masa ga bisa nyanyi? semalem uda coba-coba nyayi tp sumpah tenggorokan gue menyayat bgt. mau ngomong aja sakit gilak. suhu badan menjadi anget-anget sekoteng, ditambah headache that really kills me. puas bgt deh seharian kerjaannya tiduran di kasur smbl -tetep- main mousehunt.

cumaaa yg bikin beda, hari ini gue main mousehunt-nya ditemenin sm cowo-cowo ganteng hahaha. kalo ga percaya gue tunjukin nih foto cowo-cowo gantengnya uhuy!
arctic monkeys
the strokes
the kooks
uda percaya kan cowonya lucu nan imut bin ganteng? padahal gue kan dengerin yaa bukan nonton videonya. bego ah gue hahahha. and selain the strokes and avenged sevenfold and saosin, i am sooooo much in love with british rock bands. ga tau kenapa, mau tipe garage band ato heavy metal ato apapun jenisnya, gue tetep cinta mati sama mereka! salahkan muka mereka yg adorable nan handsome hahahahaha.

terus apalagi yaa? oiaa si mister REBEL but SWEET bikin gue kangen loh.. i miss you a lot dear mister rebel but sweet.. kira-kira besok ketemu ga ya? hahahaa

uda ah mau ngerjain tugas mppi: KARTUL dgn 4-8 SUMBER PRIMER (dpt darimanaaaa?) berupa PENDAHULUAN + 1-2 TOPIK YG DIBAHAS. dasar bu gindawan.. aargh!!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

lovely day :)

gara-gara omongannnya si bantet, jadi kepikiran beneran deh. jangan-jangan gue suka beneran sama mister rebel but sweet itu. apalagi setelah kejadian tadi, yg gue menari-nari dgn riang di locker room dan dilihatin oleh banyak wanita-wanita dr berbagai jenis usia (kayanya gue dikira uda sinting ato gila ato edan krn hbs liat hp trs nari-nari kaya menang lotere a billion poundsterling hahahahha).

oiaa tadi gue, anastasia the-lazy-and-do-no-sports-girl, ke gym loh! hal ini terjadi krn gue shock melihat tubuh gue yg makin kaya babi dr hari ke hari. dan oh-la-la gue mendapat seorang personal trainer yg bernama mas nano. lo semua tau kan seberapa takut dan keselnya gue melihat cowo yg bertubuh kekar. sumpah td kalo dijadiin kartun, muka gue uda pucat pasi bgt dgn mulut berbentuk "o" yg intinya kaget setengah mati! (lebay mode: on). eh waktu si mas nano ngomong, agak halus aja dong. OH MY GOD! makin panik gue. tp yaudalah, paksakan diri aja demi badan kembali ke bentuk normal. tp ada satu kebodohan gue (jgn-jgn gue beneran bego, hampir tiap post gue bilang kebodohan terus), gue LUPA sarapan sblm fitness (istilahnya mas nano, krn gym lbh cocok buat senam lantai blablabla). yauda deh gue paksain diri cardio as warming up method selama 12 mnt berlanjut dgn segala macam latihan yg menguras energi dan membuat gue merasakan yg namanya neraka dunia. kalo bukan krn ingatan badan babi, gue uda mohon-mohon sm mas nano buat selesein satu session aja (td gue dgn high confident took 2 sessions, kebodohan gue entah yg keberapa). akhirnyaaa si mas nano ada meeting (keren kan personal trainer gue, uda kaya manager aja hahhaa) jd latiannya selesai. tapii not that quick babe, gue wajib bakar 200 calories on cardio. terserah mau gimana caranya, mau lari cepet ato jogging ato jalan biasa ato ngerangkak, pokoknya 200 calories harus selesai! yauda deh gue kerjain aja tuh, uda mau curang dikit eh si mas nanonya balik aja liatin kerjaan gue. damn! hasil?? after two exhausting sessions, gue tewas di sauna room. yup, sauna yg panasnya minta ampun itu. awalnya cm mau 10 menit aja, trs saking capenya gue ketiduran aja dan waktu kebangun sand-clock nya uda habis aja. badan gue basahnya minta ampun ditambah lg waktu gue keluar, muka gue MERAH like a STEAMED CRAB! sumpaah ga lagi deh tidur di ruang sauna, kapok gilak!

cerita ga ya yg kejadian si mister rebel but sweet itu? pengen cerita tapi ntar ketauan sm temen-temen gue, kan aku pemalu hahahhaha. oiaa baru inget, progress i made in mousehunt: 98% novice. dua persen lg loh gue jadi apprentice! yaay! lumayan lima hari teposin pantat demi naik level hahahhaa. trs trs ronza besok dateng! mau tau ronza apaan? cari tau sendiri aja yaa di mousehunt-wiki hahaha.

terus terus terus .. aku pokoknya seneng banget hari ini! thanks to mister rebel but sweet to lighten up my mood :), you really made my day muah muah muah! (sooner or later i'm about to become a freako weirdo)
lanjut main mousehunt lagi yaaak ..!!

tp sebelumnya ada lagu yg gue dengerin daritadi loh. gita gutawa sm maia yg nyanyi, judulnya MAU TAPI MALU.. gue banget sih hahahha

kau yang di sana siapa dirinya
buatku terpana
kesan pertama sungguh mempesona
ingin mengenalnya

di kepalaku ada suka yang menggila
sudikah kamu mengenalku mendekati aku

aku mau tapi malu
ku suka matamu, hidungmu, wajahmu
dan aku mau untuk jadi milikku
aku mau tapi malu
ku suka gayamu, tingkahmu, senyummu
tapi ku malu tuk katakan padanya

aku yang selalu punya sejuta cara
cara tuk merayu
tapi yang terjadi aku seperti ini
ku bingung sendiri

di kepalaku ada suka yang menggila
sudikah kamu mengenalku mendekati aku

aku mau tapi malu
ku suka matamu, hidungmu, wajahmu
dan aku mau untuk jadi milikku
aku mau tapi malu
ku suka gayamu, tingkahmu, senyummu
tapi ku malu tuk katakan padanya

aku sukaaku mau, tapi sungguh aku malu
aku diam, aku bingung, aku harus bagaimana
oh Tuhanku, tolong aku, mengapa ku jadi mau
ku tak tahu kenapa ku tiba-tiba jadi malu
ku tak tahu, tak tahu, tak tahu
ku tak tahu, tak tahu

kocak ah lagunya, kalo gitu mau main mousehunt smbl cari videonya di youtube hahahahaa

picture of you

ada yg bisa nebak lirik lagu dibawah ga? kalo bisa ntar gue kasih hadiah deh hohoho

didn't they say that i would make a mistake?
didn't they say you were gonna be trouble?
people told me you were too much to take
i could't see it, i didn't want to know

i let you in, and you let me down
you messed me up and you turned my life around
left me feeling i had nowhere to go
i was alone how was i to know that

you would be there when i needed somebody
you would be there the only one could help

i had a picture of you in my mind
never knew it could be so wrong
why'd it take me so long just to find
the friend that was there all along

who'd believe that after all we've been through
i'd be able to put my trust in you
goes to show you can forgive and forget
looking back i have no regret cause

you would be there when i needed somebody
you would be there the only one could help me

i had a picture of you in my mind
never knew it could be so wrong
why'd it take me so long just to find
the friend that was there all along

can you guess the song? beneran deh, kalo bisa nebak ntar gue kasih hadiah yaitu CAMPBELL BOOK OF BIOLOGY hahahhaha

Monday 19 October 2009

what is biotechnology?

okay, that's it! i had it enough.. every time people asking me where do i go? what should i answer? biotechnology of course. but... what if they keep asking "what is biotechnology?" should i tell them everything about it (cause i had introduction to biotechnology) or leave them or give them rough point? take some examples

someone: hey, where do you go to?
me: biotechnology
someone: what is it?
me: it's something to deal with biology and technology
someone: ... *krik krik krik*

someone: hey, what are you studying now?
me: biotechnology
someone: what is it?
me: do you know about cloning, tissue culture, and gmo?
someone: ... nope

someone: what is biotechnology?
me: well, *clearing throat* it has two types of biotechnology. first is conventional and the other is modern biotechnology... bla bla bla bla (explain the whole story)

someone: where do you go to?
me: biotechnology
someone: damn! you're freaking SMART!
me: thanks :)))))))))

well, if you were me. people keep asking you what is it which responds do you love? if you're smart enough you'll choose case 3. but you'll be considered as a FREAK. how's with case 2? for this case, i give them the rough points about biotech and its their faults to not aware everything hahaha. i mean where the hell have you been? cloning, tissue culture, stem cells and gmo are so common now. do you about dolly the cloning sheep? or CC the carbon cat? do you even know if there is a study under parkinson's desease? these stuffs are very common in america and europe countries. in asia, thailand is best known for the durian monthong and it is one of the genetic modified food (gmf).. i made the case 1 because that's what i told to my close friends all the time haha. case 4 is what older people who smart enough to read would tell you :)

main title

about the blog title: one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it..
it's more like a reflection to my life. people often doesn't get what they always wanted and that's the basic point for me took the words to be the main title.

if you're following my story, you will see i never always get what i want. things happened randomly and often something i never expected. take an example. me, wanted to become a doctor but turned out i got in biotechnology. become a doctor seems like not my destiny. actually there are plenty coincides that led to my destiny which i wasn't expected. people said: you could try harder even your hardest but in the end you have to accept your destiny. but others said: you created your own destiny, if you want it then you have to go for it. did you notice there are two perspectives? yup, the first one is the pessimistic and the second is the optimistic. based on my life experience, think i'll take the first one. maybe i'll take the second perspective after i graduate as a bachelor of science :)

geez, i had a very weird dream last night. or nightmare actually. i went back to my junior high! it's the worst nightmare ever! not being a drama queen, but my life in junior high wasn't as happy as high school. it's dark, gloomy, the worst thing that ever happened in every girls' life. don't wanna talk about it. don't wanna think about it. don't ask why, i just don't.

oh and new priorities:
1. finish school immediately. stop party keep jamming haha
2. saving money for new year (but i just bought 2 shoes --")
3. DIET! have pig's body now (T.T)

Sunday 18 October 2009


lately i love taking and searching for pictures, mostly romantic-sunset pictures. i know i'm not that into romantic stuffs, but everytime i see movies such as the ugly truth, i want to have moments like that. for instant i want to have a scene on the beach, maybe strolling together along the beach..
so sweet huh? it doesn't have to be in bali or anyer, ancol could be great as long as we're together (kaya uda punya pacar aja haha)

but i also have these dream boys:
Rain - Jung Ji Hoon

please don't ask why i could fall in love with him. just don't. he's singing, he's dancing, he's acting. i know if he fitness but he doesn't always show it off, does he? just crazily in love with him specially on full house. aaa love you so muah muah muah (insane mode: on)

Jason Mraz

which girl doesn't fell in love with him after hearing i'm yours? definitely not me :). he's singing and compose songs. he's handsome and has something that interest me. well you completely done done me mraz!

Nicholas Saputra

it's a total lie if i said "no, i'm not in love with him." cause i crazily wanting him since elementary! from ada apa dengan cinta? movie to janji joni movie, i have watched all of his movies and it's all great! geez, how come there's a man so almost perfect like him? can i have him to be mine? (crazy mode: on)

Jamie Cullum

he's a young musician in jazz, british, play piano and attractive. should i say more? fufufu..

Alex Turner

he's the frontman of arctic monkey, one of my favourite bands. not to mention he's also alexa chung's boyfriend (confession: alexa chung's style admirer). he plays guitar and sings. he's a musician! gosh, i love musician a lot!

damn, it's already 11:19 pm. yet still love to searching for more pictures :)

btw, did you notice the difference on my new blog layout? took three hours to do the make-over and i already fell in love with it. it's white and blue, kinda navy, but it's my work. gotta love it haha.

crazy mode: off
insane mode: off
sleepy mode: on

freako mode: on

call me freak, but i found it's interesting to see these pictures

actually there are more of them in my laptop, but these pictures definitely make me become a freako weirdo :(

taylor oh taylor

masih pada inget ga dgn insiden taylor swift - kanye west di vma 2009? it was sensational even obama gave his comment to kanye's act. trs gue kan penasaran tuh sejelek apa sih lagunya taylor swift hingga kanye dgn begonya bilang beyonce much deserved the moonman. so i listened again to the song, read the lyrics and realized taylor could win because of her lyrics are so ordinary. bs deskripsiin perasaan most teenagers shg dia memiliki kesan ramah dan dekat dgn fans-fansnya. every things she did, she posted it via twitter and myspace so her fans could reach her everytime they want to. menurut gue itu adalah salah satu kelebihan dr taylor yg bisa bikin dia ngalahin beyonce.

then for the lyrics itself, entah gue lg kena cupid's arrow or being poisoned, gue jd ikutan seneng dan merasa terwakilkan hahhaa. am i really into him now? tapi mau single dulu aja, tanggung semester ini bentar lg slese. semester 4-5 jg kalo bisa sih single dulu, kebanyakan jadwal praktikum (kaya uda yakin bs ambil itu semua lab haha). tp setelah dipikir-pikir berarti semester 6 gue baru mulai back on the market dong? ah yauda sih, kalo emg dia jodoh gue, ga bakal kemana kok haha..

You're on the phone with your girlfriend
shes upset.
Shes going off about something that you said
'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do...
I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
and she'll never know your story like i do

But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
been here all along so why can't you see, you
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey isn't this easy

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
Shes cheer captain and
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
all this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me

I remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And i know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me...

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe you belong with me

You belong with me...