Saturday 14 November 2009

hectic bazaar

wew uda lama banget yak ga post? sorry yaa.. habis bingung mau cerita apaan (kayanya ada banyak deh..) mungkin gue akan lebih milih buat cerita tentang pengalaman gue shopping at Charles and Keith's bazaar. sumpah aja deh gue, it was the first, me, in a hectic insanely bazaar! hahaha

jadi berkat ajakan ditta prakoso (follow her twitter as well @dittaprakoso) gue ke senayan city. though it was a heavy raining, gue bela-belain demi memuaskan my biggest passions: shoes and shopping. buat yg follow twitter gue, pasti uda mulai baca ajakan-ajakan mautnya ditta dari hari selasa hahaha. yaudin cabut dari kampus lsg naik taxi menuju senayan city (rencana awal naik trans jakarta but the rain made us take a cab..blame it on the rain! LOL). nah nah nah waktu uda di senayan city, langsung lah kita ke charles and keith shop, tapi kok sepi banget? apa karena cuma the chosen people yg tau tentang bazaar-nya? tapi harganya ga banget jg, masih above 200k. well kita akhirnya pindah ke zara, looking for a leather jacket and shirts (plus blazer for me) cuma kok ga ada yg bagus? pindahlah kita ke debenhams. di debenhams kita liat ada christmas tree gede banget, 3 types of them are white christmas tree - black gothic christmas tree - white and blue christmas tree, and all of them are superb amazing! harganya juga superb amazing! above 20 millions aja.. keren kan?
dari debenhams dengan penuh sakit hati kita pindah ke topshop and topman. i found my soul mate! a leather jacket am looking for ternyata ada di topman! cuma am a heartbreak kid when i read the price tag. 1.5 million ajah. totally not worth it! dengan penuh kesakithatian akhirnya kita berjalan-jalan ria kesana kemari melanglang buana muterin senayan city. tiba-tiba entah siapa yg mulai ada ide, kita naik ke lantai 8. eh eh eh bener aja bazaarnya di lantai 8! antriannya masih pendek sih, ga menggila kaya crocs bazaar. yaudin kita terobos aja tuh and JENG JENG JENG JENG antriannya emang masih pendek, but all those chairs already fulled! tetep modal nekat akhirnya berhasil naik ke hall floor cumaa DAR DIR DER DOR rame aja deh and lebih hectic! teteeeeeeeeep nekat akhirnya kita rebutan sepatu sama ibu-ibu. WE MADE IT TO THE END!
ditta got a pair of silver strappy heels and i got 2 pair of heels.
it was a great experience which i would definitely tell my children someday, when i decided to have one, biar mereka bisa merasakan nikmatnya rebutan sepatu hahaha.

tips if you want to survive at bazaar:

  1. bring mineral water! it's a must bring item.
  2. wear comfy shoes and loose shirts. you're gonna competition with lots of crazy girls and be comfy is a must!
  3. bring cash min. 1 million (in IDR). you'll never know what kind of payment the bazaar takes. just in case they didn't take credit, you already well prepared.
  4. make a list. you don't want to lose all your money on a bazaar, do you?
  5. be CRAZY, WILD, HAVE NO FEAR mental. this is a one-time-bazaar. surely you're gonna need to have this mental.