Monday 19 April 2010

the not-so-called-award

Another quickie post ....

Recently I read some of my friends' blogs. They have this kind of award which if you got an award, you have to make the not-so-called-award. The rule is you make your own rules. Since this is your award duh!
So... the nominations for the not-so-called PENGUIN AWARD is:
1. Jessie Gabriella
2. Isabella Apriyana
3. Elisabeth Rosmeilia
4. William CJ Prahara
5. Fiona Charlotte
6. Inneke Huang
7. Stefiani

(for those who haven't nominated yet, please don't turn your back on me. I could only have seven nominations cause seven is my limit hehe)

and the winner is (drumsticks roll)

INNEKE HUANG for her live-your-life-in-Thailand-blog
STEFIANI for her so-called-fashion-blog
WILLIAM CJ PRAHARA for his hilarious blog
JESSIE GABRIELLA for her to-be-waited-everyday blog
ISABELLA APRIYANA for her positive-sides-of-biotechnology-blog
ELISABETH ROSMEILIA for her signature-design-blog
FIONA CHARLOTTE for her ukm-biotechnology-student-life-blog

So the award was written based on their batch (ftb 06, ftb 07, ftb 08, ftb 09) and the nomination was made based on the reason why i keep waiting for their posts :))